Chronic Disease. A significant number of chronic diseases are directly tied to lifestyle choices and behaviors, such as the food we eat, physical activity, sleeping habits, substance use, smoking and stress. Meliorem focuses on identifying and modifying these unhealthy contributors to promote the prevention, management and reversal of chronic diseases such as angina, arthritis, asthma, cardiovascular disease, coronary artery disease, COPD, diabetes, heart attack, heart disease, hypertension, obesity and stroke.
Health & Wellness Education.The key to preventing disease and mental and physical health is knowledge. Specifically, being able to navigate through the endless supply of fads, diets, recommendations and other information available. At Meliorem, we are not the latest fad and don't subscribe to the new diet craze. Out role is to provide the best evidence-based information and guidance related to healthy lifestyle behaviors and the prevention, management of, and reversal of disease.
Health & Wellness Planning.Meliorem's treatment and interventions are a partnership between healthcare provider and patient. This means that planning is a critical part of the healing and health process. Whether healthy and seeking improved health or living with disease, we work with patients to plan realistic, achievable plans to change and improve their health.
Health & Wellness Screening. Meliorem offers health and wellness assessments (also known as biometic assessments) to assist patients and their healthcare providers with identifying strategies for improved health and well-being...specifically related to heart and cardiovascular health. These include: Body Measurements, Body Mass Index (BMI), Body Fat Percentage, Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), Blood Pressure, Blood Oxygen Saturation, Hip-to-Waist Ratio, Lung Function/Capacity, Body Water Percentage, Sleep Apnea Risk, Peak Flow Testing, Blood Glucose Level, and Ketones. We also provide online tracking of patient results to ensure the information is available for the patients, their personal physicians and other healthcare providers. This information is available 24X7.
Lifestyle Behavior Intervention. Meliorem's Lifestlye Behavior Intervention Program is about the whole human health experience, promoting health, and disease prevention. Relying upon evidence-based guidance, our program focuses on the key areas that research as demonstrated directly impacts and affects health and wellness. Our program is designed to provide education, planning and coaching to individuals and families to improve their health and wellness as well as to engage sustainable healthy behaviors and eliminate unhealthy behaviors.
Nutrition & Healthy Eating.
Mental Health & Recovery. The reality is that 1 in 5 adults in the United States experiences a mental illness in a given year...roughly 43.8 million adults. Our mental and emotional health programs focus on the reduction, management and elimination of mental and emotional symptoms, conditions and illness such as addiction/addictive disorders, anxiety/anxiety disorders, bipolar, depression/mood disorders, eating disorders, personality disorders, PTSD, stress/stress disorders, and sexual disorders.
Substance Use & Abuse. Breaking the use and dependence upon drugs (prescription, over-the-counter, illicit) and alcohol is not only difficult and in many situations, catastrophic to relationships, health and can lead to serious health problems and even death. Meliorem understands this challenge and its program works to reduce the need and reliance upon substances in a manner designed to prevent relapse and improve overall health.
Treatment Compliance. Following the directions of your healthcare professional's treatment plan is critical, but unfortunately, is a significant reason why treatments fail and patients subsequently do not feel better. Our treatment compliance intervention is designed to assist patients with maintaining their course and staying on track with the treatments directed by their physicians.